Keystone Human Capital (Pty) Ltd is the brainchild of three friends who realised that there are very few HR consultancies who are really geared toward helping small companies manage the inherent risks involved in having personnel in their employ.
Most small business owners know that employees can be their largest liability or most valuable asset; even so very few small businesses invest in equipping themselves to manage their people well. This is especially worrying when you consider that the large companies they compete with can absorb the damage caused by a bad employee much easier than they can, but also have better tools to avoid or manage those situations.
Apart from the risk involved in having personnel, who are fallible, small business owners have to deal with a minefield of legislation and compliance issues to stay on the right side of the law. Gaining access to larger contracts also comes with its own compliance nightmares. Navigating this successfully without the help of a Labour Consultant is next to impossible, but who can afford the exorbitant fees charged by many of these experts?
For these reasons we wanted to create solutions that would even the playing field a bit more and give small businesses a better chance of capitalising on the skills of their employees, but also avoid the risks involved in employing them in the first place. Our aim is to create self sustaining solutions that will empower managers to run their own processes efficiently, therefore eliminating the need to engage consultants repeatedly for the same need. These solutions include:
- Training, e.g. facilitation of accredited Labour Law, HR training and Leadership Training. Or the development and presentation of customised programs to fit the client’s individual needs.
- Creating and Refining the HR Framework for Your Company, e.g. drafting or updating contracts, policies and procedures, creating Department of Labour compliant personnel files and ensuring compliance with Department of Labour compliance throughout the workplace.
- Labour Relations Assistance and Support, e.g. chairing of Disciplinary Hearings, investigation of incidents, drafting of correct charges and CCMA preparation.
- Specialised Assistance in Recruitment of Employees, e.g. drafting proper advertisements, screening CV’s, designing proper reference check sheets for specific positions and assisting in interviews.